【1学期,1年,文Ab(S/W),1単位,,共通講義棟1号館205室】The aim of this course is to provide students with a strong foundation in English writing that will help them develop their academic abilities in English. Students will learn how to organize different paragraph types including descriptive, narrative, and example paragraphs. Students will also learn how to revise and edit the paragraphs.
この授業では基本的に、教科書の[A]Overview と[C] Script を中心に扱う。
この授業では基本的に、教科書の[A]Overview と[C] Script を中心に扱う。
【1学期,1年,文Ba(S/W),1単位,,共通講義棟1号館303室】This class aims to help students acquire the fundamental skills of academic writing and presentation in English. Each student will develop their abilities to write academic paragraphs effectively in various genres through homework assignments and class activities, such as peer editing and group discussion in English. Students will submit writing assignments online using Plone through the course. Students are required to give an oral presentation based on their writings at the end of the course.
【1学期,1年,文Bb(R/L),1単位,,文教育学部1号館306室】The aim of this class is to help students improve their reading and listening skills. While this course aims to improve students’ reading and listening skills, students will be also encouraged to express their opinions clearly concerning several topics from the textbook. Enthusiastic participation and regular attendance in this class are essential.
【1学期,1年,文Ad(R/L),1単位,,共3-105【1講】】This course is designed to develop students' reading and listening skills through texts about American regions. Students will be able to build vocabulary, learn how to read passages of explanation, and gain cultural, social, and historical knowledge about the US.
【1学期,1年,理Ab(R/L),1単位,,共通講義棟1号館101室】In this course, we will try to develop reading and listening skills by using various materials including the materials in the textbook introducing topics from "Inside Science (Kinseido)." Two active learning hours (ALH) will be included during the spring semester. The details of ALH will be announced in class.
- 教師: 山腰 京子
【1学期,1年,理Ba(S/W),1単位,,共通講義棟1号館203室】This course aims to help students build basic English writing skills that enable them to take intermediate and advanced English courses. The main learning outcomes of this course are twofold. First, students will be able to write well-organized and coherent paragraphs. Second, students will be able to write paragraphs using various patterns. Students will also develop speaking skills by communicating with classmates in conversations, group/pair work, and presentations.
- 教師: 畠山 由香子
【1学期,1年,理Bb(R/L),1単位,,文教育学部1号館306室】この授業では、受講生の英語リーディング・スキルを発展させることを目的とし、毎週の予習課題に基づいた演習を通して、ある程度のレベルの英語の文章を対象に、文意を正しく把握し、的確に英文を解釈するための語彙力や読解力を養成する。TED TALKを利用した教科書を使用し、目的に応じて精読あるいは要約ができるようになることを目指す。リーディング教材に関連したリスニング教材も適宜用い、英語での情報のインプット能力の総合的な向上をねらう。
【1学期,1年,理Bc(R/L),1単位,,共3-104【2講】】Watching various news of the ABC news program, the students are required to improve their English abilities.
【1学期,1年,生Ab(R/L),1単位,,生活科学部本館127室】このクラスでは、アメリカ映画『The Devil Wears Prada』を視聴し、またその台本を読んでいきます。前者によって英語を聴解する力を、また後者によって英語を読解する力を養います。この二つを交互に繰り返し、英文法そして会話英語特有のボキャブラリーや言い回しについての知識を増やし、さらには音の脱落・連結・同化などを含む英語の聞き取りができるようになることを目標とします。
【1学期,1年,生Ba(S/W),1単位,,アカプロ棟1階101室】The purpose of this class is to provide students with a strong foundation in English writing that will enable them to develop their academic abilities in English. Students will learn how to organize different types of academic paragraphs. Students are also required to give presentations based on their writings.
【1学期,1年,生Bb(R/L),1単位,,共通講義棟1号館303室】This class aims to develop the students' reading and listening skills. It will provide the students with the opportunity to read and analyze different articles and use newly learned vocabulary effectively in different contexts. It is expected that by the end of this class, students will have gained sufficient abilities to display a fair familiarity with intermediate-level English texts.
【1学期,1年,生Ac(R/L),1単位,,共通講義棟1号館205室】The aim of this course is to develop students' reading and listening skills. This course focuses on acquisition of vocabulary and basic skills necessary for academic reading and listening, including scanning for specific information, summarizing the main idea of paragraphs, identifying a writer's point of view, recognizing text coherence, and so on.
【2学期,1年,文Ab(S/W),1単位,,共通講義棟1号館205室】The aim of this course is to provide students with a strong foundation in English writing that will help them develop their academic abilities in English. Students will learn how to organize different paragraph types including logical division of ideas, process, and comparison/contrast paragraphs. Students will also learn how to make an effective presentation and conduct a presentation (oral book report).
この授業では基本的に、教科書の[A]Overview と[C] Script を中心に扱う。
この授業では基本的に、教科書の[A]Overview と[C] Script を中心に扱う。
- 教師: 小田島 創志