- 선생님: 高桑 晴子
- 선생님: 中西 公子
【前学期,2年,英語圏言語文化コース,2単位,,共通講義棟1号館204室】In this class we focus on pronunciation in English. Although people often consider pronunciation to be the most reliable indicator of spoken proficiency, English language courses tend to neglect teaching pronunciation. In this class, therefore, students will pay attention to the features of pronunciation of the English language, especially intonation patterns and features of connected speech. Students will practice and record their own speech and assess one another's accuracy in pronunciation. Students will also learn how to the transcribe English phonemes using the International Phonetic Alphabet. In short, this is a practical course in English pronunciation that will help students to develop awareness of phonetics and to gain confidence in their pronunciation.
- 선생님: ALLEN David
【後学期,2年,英語圏言語文化コース,2単位,,文教育学部1号館308室】 英文法の知識を最近の生成文法理論の観点から捉える訓練を行う。主に統語論の問題に焦点を当てて、英語の基本的な文構造に関する理解を深める。数多くの言語資料に接することにより、様々な構文の背後にある規則性を発見する手順を身につけることが主な目標となる。3年次に開講される「特別演習(言語研究方法論)I」における学習の準備段階の授業と位置づけられる。
The goal of this class is to enable students to reshape their knowledge of English grammar in terms of theoretical linguistics, especially a relatively recent version of generative grammar. By focusing on the issues in syntax, students will deepen their understanding of the sentence structure of English. By looking at a variety of linguistic data, students should be able to acquire skills to discover rules governing syntactic phenomena. The second half of the textbook will be dealt with in “Advanced Seminar: Methodology in Linguistic Research I.”
The goal of this class is to enable students to reshape their knowledge of English grammar in terms of theoretical linguistics, especially a relatively recent version of generative grammar. By focusing on the issues in syntax, students will deepen their understanding of the sentence structure of English. By looking at a variety of linguistic data, students should be able to acquire skills to discover rules governing syntactic phenomena. The second half of the textbook will be dealt with in “Advanced Seminar: Methodology in Linguistic Research I.”
- 선생님: 野口 徹
【前学期,2年,英語圏言語文化コース,2単位,,共3-105【1講】】In this class we focus on English writing in academic genres. We read articles focused on issues of 'belonging to a group' and 'gender in society'. The topics are the same as in Eikaiwa Enshu Shokyu, so students will be able to deepen their understanding as well as recycle their academic vocabulary across the two courses. We use the first half of the textbook in this class, and the second half in the second semester (Sakubun Enshu Chukyu). All in all, the Sakubun and Eikaiwa courses make up a stimulating, integrated language learning experience that you are sure to find rewarding.
- 선생님: ALLEN David
【後学期,2~4年,英語圏言語文化コース,2単位,,共通講義棟1号館203室】This class helps bridge the gap between general English and academic English. Students will learn key skills of writing in English, moving towards formal academic writing
【前学期,2年,英語圏言語文化コース,2単位,,共通講義棟1号館101室】This class will help students to develop speaking and listening skills in the academic context. We will listen to short academic lectures and students will lead discussions and give presentations on a variety of issues related to ‘life and society’ throughout the course. The topics are the same as in Sakubun Enshu-2, so students will be able to deepen their understanding as well as recycle their vocabulary across the two courses. We use the first half of the textbook in this class, and the book will continue in Eikaiwa Enshu 2. All in all, the Sakubun and EiKaiwa courses make up a stimulating, integrated language learning experience that you are sure to find rewarding.
This class will help students to develop speaking and listening skills in the academic context. We will listen to short academic lectures and students will lead discussions and give presentations on a variety of issues related to ‘life and society’ throughout the course. The topics are the same as in Sakubun Enshu-2, so students will be able to deepen their understanding as well as recycle their vocabulary across the two courses. We use the first half of the textbook in this class, and the book will continue in Eikaiwa Enshu 2. All in all, the Sakubun and EiKaiwa courses make up a stimulating, integrated language learning experience that you are sure to find rewarding.
This class will help students to develop speaking and listening skills in the academic context. We will listen to short academic lectures and students will lead discussions and give presentations on a variety of issues related to ‘life and society’ throughout the course. The topics are the same as in Sakubun Enshu-2, so students will be able to deepen their understanding as well as recycle their vocabulary across the two courses. We use the first half of the textbook in this class, and the book will continue in Eikaiwa Enshu 2. All in all, the Sakubun and EiKaiwa courses make up a stimulating, integrated language learning experience that you are sure to find rewarding.
【後学期,2年,英語圏言語文化コース,2単位,,共3-105【1講】】This class will help students to develop speaking and listening skills in the academic context. We will listen to short academic lectures and students will lead discussions and give presentations on a variety of issues related to 'life and society' throughout the course. The topics are the same as in Sakubun Enshu chukyu, so students will be able to deepen their understanding as well as recycle their vocabulary across the two courses. We use the second half of the textbook in this class, and the first half in the first semester (Eikaiwa Enshu shokyu). All in all, the Sakubun and Eikaiwa courses make up a stimulating, integrated language learning experience that you are sure to find rewarding.
- 선생님: ALLEN David
【前学期,3~4年,英語圏言語文化コース,2単位,,共3-105【1講】】This class focuses on public speaking. The main aim is to develop students’
confidence in speaking in front of others in English, both in individual and small
group tasks, and to teach skills needed for successful public speaking.
confidence in speaking in front of others in English, both in individual and small
group tasks, and to teach skills needed for successful public speaking.
- 선생님: 高桑 晴子
【後学期,3~4年,英語圏言語文化コース,2単位,,文教育学部1号館301室】As a sequel to Advanced Seminar I, you learn literary and critical theories in preparation for your graduation theses. This course focuses on Marxist Criticism, New Historicism, Postcolonial Criticism, and Narratology. As for Narratology, a short report is required instead of presentation.
特別演習(英米文学研究方法論)Ⅰ に引き続き、卒業論文の作成を視野に文学理論と批評理論を学ぶ。本授業では、マルクス主義批評、新歴史主義批評、ポストコロニアル批評、物語論を主に扱う。物語論については一部ALHレポートに代える。
特別演習(英米文学研究方法論)Ⅰ に引き続き、卒業論文の作成を視野に文学理論と批評理論を学ぶ。本授業では、マルクス主義批評、新歴史主義批評、ポストコロニアル批評、物語論を主に扱う。物語論については一部ALHレポートに代える。
- 선생님: 松﨑 毅
- 선생님: 中西 公子
【後学期,2年,英語圏言語文化コース,2単位,,共通講義棟1号館102室】The class overviews the history of English literature from the late eighteenth century to the contemporary period. We will look at the works of the important writers and their historical background, using excerpts from novels, poems and dramas.
- 선생님: 高桑 晴子
- 선생님: 上野 直子
- 선생님: 上野 直子
【前学期,2年,言語文化学科 b,2単位,,文教育学部1号館301室】西欧の演劇論および英語圏の演劇戯曲を複数読み、比較検討する。戯曲の読み方に慣れ、セリフの口語的な表現を理解し解釈することで、英語の運用能力を養うとともに、舞台装置や空間をも含めた分析・解釈の方法論を学び、文化史および演劇史的な文脈から、作品を総合的に位置づけることを目標とする。
- 선생님: 戸谷 陽子
【前学期,2年,英語圏言語文化コース,2単位,,文教育学部1号館308室】イギリス初期ロマン派の詩人 William Blake の Songs of Innocense and of Experience を鑑賞するとともに、18世紀的な理性と秩序の束縛に対抗して生じたイギリス・ロマン主義の思潮について考える。
- 선생님: 松﨑 毅
- 선생님: 戸谷 陽子
【前学期,2~4年,英語圏言語文化コース,2単位,,人間文化研究科棟603室】キリスト教圏において聖書に次いで読まれてきた John Bunyan の宗教寓意物語 The Pilgrim's Progress をテキストに、英語圏文化の基礎知識としてのキリスト教的な世界観や歴史観について論じるとともに、アレゴリーからリアリズムへという文学ジャンルの発展の経緯について考える。テキスト中の主要なエピソードを選んで読みながら、律法と福音、天使と悪魔、聖書と教会、天地創造と終末等、キリスト教の基礎知識について随時説明していく。またアレゴリー、説教、対話、冒険活劇といった文学ジャンルの混在がもたらす効果、および作品の風刺的側面についても考える。
- 선생님: 松﨑 毅
【後学期,2~4年,英語圏言語文化コース,2単位,,共3-105【1講】】This course is designed to introduce the works of William Faulkner, a representative American writer of the twentieth century. We will learn about historical, social, cultural backgrounds of his works. Also, we will focus on such issues as race, class, gender to read and analyze not only literary texts but also criticism on them.
- 선생님: 丸谷 徳嗣