- 教師: 倉光 ミナ子
- 教師: 梅田 由紀子
- 教師: 荒木 美奈子
【前学期,1~4年,グローバル文化学環,2単位,,共通講義棟1号館303室】This course provides an introduction to the subject of economic globalization. The course seeks to understand what economic globalization is, how it came to be, what its divergent consequences are for various countries, regions, and peoples, and how it relates to other key issues in the global political economy, including poverty, development, and environmental problems. In addition to providing a broad overview of key issues and debates in relation to the study of economic globalization, this course is intended to provide students with opportunities to develop critical thinking skills and to discuss ideas and opinions with the professor and their peers in English.
- 教師: 阿部 尚史
- 教師: 倉光 ミナ子
- 教師: 牧野 冬生
- 教師: 阿部 尚史
- 教師: 倉光 ミナ子
【前学期,3~4年,グローバル文化学環,2単位,,文教育学部1号館716室】This course aims to assist students in developing research interests focusing on either "Gender in the Pacific" or "Gender,migration and development in general". Through reading activities, in-class discussions, and small personal projects, students will familiarize themselves with gender, migration, and development related to globalization phenomena. At the end of the course, students will be able to develop their research project on a topic which they are interested in.
- 教師: 倉光 ミナ子
- 教師: 橋本 陽介
【前学期,2~4年,グローバル文化学環,2単位,,国際留学生プラザ3Fセミナー室】Globalization has brought us an efficient world where we can travel, live and work wherever we would like to. On the other hand, relation among people has changed and there are many conflicts in many parts of the world due to differences in culture, customs, language and even the way we look. In this class, the students we learn not only theories or what is happening in the world, but they will foster their critical way of seeing the world including Japan by thinking and discussing with their classmates. Nowadays, we use the word "culture" very easily without thinking what it truly means. This class will offer the students the opportunity to think together about "culture" and how it connects and separates people by seeing several cases. At the end, the students would obtain a wide and open way of thinking about other people with different customs, beliefs, language and cultures.
- 教師: MATSUDA Derek
【後学期,2~4年,グローバル文化学環,2単位,,文教育学部1号館306室】 この授業では、日本の医療保険制度の概要を学んだ上で、諸外国の医療保険制度との比較を行い、超高齢社会が進む日本が取りうる政策を住民視点で学術的に考えます。
学生はこのテーマに関連する講義を受け、書籍や論文を読み、グループ討論を行っていく中で、要点を把握する読み方、効果的な発表(留学生にとっては「日本語での発表」)、他者と活動する際の感情のマネジメント、グループワークのストラテジーを養います。 同時に、異なる希望、欲望、感情、価値観を持つ友達とは違う他者と協働することの難しさと、その対処の過程を意識化すると共に、相互理解を深めるためにどうすべき考えることを目標とします。 「多文化共生論」と「日本事情演習ⅣB」の履修生が合同で学びます。
学生はこのテーマに関連する講義を受け、書籍や論文を読み、グループ討論を行っていく中で、要点を把握する読み方、効果的な発表(留学生にとっては「日本語での発表」)、他者と活動する際の感情のマネジメント、グループワークのストラテジーを養います。 同時に、異なる希望、欲望、感情、価値観を持つ友達とは違う他者と協働することの難しさと、その対処の過程を意識化すると共に、相互理解を深めるためにどうすべき考えることを目標とします。 「多文化共生論」と「日本事情演習ⅣB」の履修生が合同で学びます。
- 教師: 津村 育子
- 教師: 荒木 美奈子
【後学期,2~4年,グローバル文化学環,2単位,,文教育学部1号館304室】This course provides a basis for understanding the ways in which globalization has changed and challenged the conditions under which people around the world engage in labor, whether paid labor in the formal economy or unpaid domestic labor in the home. The course will pay careful attention to the way class, gendered, racial and (neo)colonial power dynamics are inflected in the struggle over working conditions. In addition to providing a broad overview of key issues and debates in relation to the study of globalization and how it impacts the conditions under which people work around the world, this course is intended to provide students with opportunities to develop critical thinking skills and to discuss ideas and opinions with the professor and their peers in English.
【前学期,3~4年,グローバル文化学環,2単位,,文教育学部1号館716室】This course builds on the themes studied in Globalization and Labor I, providing students with opportunities to deepen their understanding of the ways in which globalization has changed and challenged the conditions under which people around the world engage in labor, whether paid labor in the formal economy or unpaid domestic labor in the home. In particular, we will focus on the consequences of globalization, neoliberalism, the rise of artificial intelligence for workers, both in the Global North and Global South and in regard to both paid work and unpaid domestic work. As with Globalization and Labor I, this course will pay careful attention to the way class, gendered, racial and (neo)colonial power dynamics are inflected in the struggle over working conditions.
However, unlike with Globalization and Labor I, which offers a lecture-based format with relatively few required readings, this course is meant to provide a deeper engagement with issues relating to globalization and labor through a careful reading of key texts and active class discussions. As a result, this course uses a combined lecture and seminar format that includes weekly assigned readings. In addition to providing opportunities for a more detailed engagement with key issues and debates in relation to the study of globalization and labor, this course is intended to provide students with opportunities to develop critical thinking skills and to discuss ideas and opinions with the professor and their peers in English.
However, unlike with Globalization and Labor I, which offers a lecture-based format with relatively few required readings, this course is meant to provide a deeper engagement with issues relating to globalization and labor through a careful reading of key texts and active class discussions. As a result, this course uses a combined lecture and seminar format that includes weekly assigned readings. In addition to providing opportunities for a more detailed engagement with key issues and debates in relation to the study of globalization and labor, this course is intended to provide students with opportunities to develop critical thinking skills and to discuss ideas and opinions with the professor and their peers in English.
国際社会における国際機構の活動について、主として平和と安全の確保という観点から学びます。具体的な素材として国際連合(United Nations)と化学兵器禁止機関(Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons)を取り上げます。
国際社会における国際機構の活動について、主として平和と安全の確保という観点から学びます。具体的な素材として国際連合(United Nations)と化学兵器禁止機関(Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons)を取り上げます。
- 教師: 阿部 達也
【後学期,1~4年,グローバル文化学環,2単位,,文教育学部1号館304室】This course provides a basis for understanding uneven economic development and political economy more generally from a comparative perspective. After first studying the basic theoretical foundations of modern economic systems and their consequences for economic development, we will then explore patterns and models of uneven development in a range of contexts in the Global North and Global South. In addition to providing a broad overview of key issues and debates in relation to the study of regional economic development, this course is intended to provide students with opportunities to develop critical thinking skills and to discuss ideas and opinions with the professor and their peers in English, both through daily participation in class discussions and though student presentations at the end of the term.
- 教師: 小田 亜紀子
- 教師: 佐々木 馨